How to Get Your C-Suite on the Giving Bus
You’ve got to get your leadership team on the giving bus because it’s precisely how you drive healthy, sustainable growth. And you can all get your seats on this bus by being strategic givers. I want to show you how your C-Suite can start giving back strategically and in doing so, motivate your employees and...

The Way We Think About Volunteering Is Dead Wrong: Part II
It’s true that the world conspires against some people and not others. I’m not generalizing “people” here. I’m referring to 3 specific subsets of society: Takers Matchers Givers Earlier I wrote about the differences between each group. As a recap, it basically looks like this: [Image from Madeline Blasberg] I call the Givers on the...

How to Build Social Capital: Asking for Introductions
Plebe year at Culver Military Academy is all about followership before leadership, which is how I found myself in Major Duckett’s Leadership course studying the art of table manners (among other things). The leadership class teaches social etiquette such as how to properly set a table, position your body, and eat like a classy individual....

The Way We Think About Volunteering Is Dead Wrong
RIGHT NOW, you have the ability to give 3 things: wealth, wisdom, and work. Your money = wealth Your advice = wisdom Your time = work My goal is to blow a hole through the most common assumptions you have about #3: Giving Your Time. In my last article I talked about the ladder...

The Way We Think About Giving Is Dead Wrong
Too many entrepreneurs are killing it in business, family, and self-development and not doing enough for their communities. They say things like: “I wish I had more time because I know I should do more for the community.” or “I’ve got to focus on other things and just can’t make time to help others right...