The Untold Stories of a Business Celebrating its 10th Birthday
On this day, 10 years ago, we started LotusGroup Advisors. Every year since 2006, I’ve used this week as a time of reflection, a time of creation, and a time to honor. For me, the week between Christmas and New Year’s is auspicious: a time where new things are meant to begin. And this year… well,...
The Power of Sprints: 2 Weeks to Build Your Systems
All around you are organizations with heroic leaders who know that somewhere, their shit is broken, they don’t know how to fix it, where to start, how to find the time, or how to make it all work fast enough. Their goals require way more hours than committed, way more frustration than expected, and way...
Meet the Lion Tamer from Upstairs Circus, Matt Johannsen
Matt Johannsen aka “Josie” and his wife, Kelly, started Upstairs Circus together and have captured a totally creative niche: crafts & cocktails. But this ain’t no ordinary follow-along painting class; this is a dope-ass bar, with banging beats, and an edgy vibe. And the crafts are things that you’d ACTUALLY use, wear, and show off on...
The Hands-On Creative Behind Airstream Basecamp, RedBull’s Custom DJ Booths, and Veuve Clicquot’s Champagne Bar
Mike Arzt is one badass creative and thank god he picked up a snowboard 20+ years ago. His passion for snowboarding became a career, which became a business, which is now five businesses. The Public Works is creative agency that he co-founded with Frank Phillips but they don’t just dream up cool shit, they build it. Mike...
Jason Eckenroth Reveals What Happened Immediately After His Company Was Acquired
If you polled 100 startup founders about the kinds of things to expect during the process of a company acquisition, you’d be hard pressed to find any of them who would suggest that the company being bought would continue to grow exponentially during and after the acquisition process. But that’s exactly what happened as Jason...